Admissibilité et frais


All World Beer Cup entries must be commercially available, fermented malt beverages conforming to the trade understanding of “beer” or “cider” (see “Eligibility Criteria” section below) brewed by a permitted commercial brewery or cidermaker.

L'expression "commercialement disponible" signifie que la bière est disponible pour la vente au détail au moment de l'enregistrement. Les brasseries qui entrent sur le territoire des États-Unis doivent disposer d'un Brewer's Notice (avis de brasseur) en cours de validité, déposé auprès du U.S. Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).

Entries that contain any substances not authorized for use in human food, or which are made with ingredients that contain such substances, or which are made in contact with materials not authorized as food contact materials, all in accordance with the United States federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as interpreted and administered by U.S. FDA are not eligible to compete in the World Beer Cup.

Note: Entries that do not comply with the Brewers Association Advertising & Marketing Code will be disqualified from the competition and will not be refunded for competition fees.

Breweries/Cideries must meet each of the following conditions at the time of registration:

  • Your company is fully licensed for the manufacture and commercial sale of beer in your home country.
  • Your brewery or cidery is fully open and operating with all required permits.
  • Your brewery or cidery currently has at least one beer or cider that is commercially available for sale at retail at the time of application.
  • Only breweries or cidermakers that meet the Brewery Eligibility requirements are eligible to enter beers or ciders in the World Beer Cup competition. Businesses in planning, homebrewers and others not meeting these criteria are not eligible to enter.
  • Your company has a Brewer’s Notice on file with the TTB (applies to U.S. breweries or cidermakers only).

Only companies that meet the Brewery or Cidermaker Eligibility requirements are eligible to enter products in the competition. Those that don’t meet all the criteria above and still register for the World Beer Cup are subject to disqualification without further notice or refund of registration/entry fees.*

*L'Association des brasseurs est seule habilitée à déterminer l'admissibilité à la compétition de la Coupe du monde de la bière.

If you own the rights to a brand, but your beverage(s) is/are produced by another producer, you are still eligible to enter the competition. The facility producing your beers must meet the eligibility requirements above.

Enter the TTB Basic Permit/Brewer’s Notice number of the brewery producing the beer on your registration entry. Any award won by a contract brand is property of the winning contract producer which owns the brand, not the company producing the entry.

In order for an entry to be eligible for entry, your company must first meet all above brewery or cidermaker eligibility requirements. If your business does not meet all of the requirements, your entries are not eligible for entry.

All entries must be commercially available for sale at retail on or before April 1, 2025 and possess the characteristics generally attributed to and conforming to the consumer understanding of “beer” or “cider”.


  • For beers, At least 51% of the fermentable carbohydrates must be derived from malted grains. Beverages made with malt substitutes, honey, fruit or fruit juices, or anything other than malted grains as the majority of fermentable sugars are not eligible to participate.
  • Beer entries must contain hops. Exceptions to this include gruit or other historical beer styles that traditionally use other herbs or spices (such as heather, myrtle, etc).
  • Toutes les bières proposées par des brasseries basées aux États-Unis doivent être conformes à l'ensemble des réglementations du Bureau des impôts et du commerce des États-Unis (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau), y compris les exigences en matière d'approbation des formules et des ingrédients (comme indiqué dans le titre 27, chapitre 1, partie 25, sous-partie F, §25.55 du code fédéral des réglementations).
  • Entries must comply with the Brewers Association Advertising & Marketing Code. Entries not in compliance will be disqualified immediately. The entry will not be judged, and no refund will be given.

Non éligible

  • Mead, spirits, seltzers, hard soda, hard water, and flavored malt beverages including kombucha and most shandies and radlers (see first and second bullet point in “eligible” section) are not eligible to be entered in the World Beer Cup.
  • Any entries that contain any substances not authorized for use in human food, or which are made with ingredients that contain such substances, or which are made in contact with materials not authorized as food contact materials, all in accordance with the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as interpreted and administered by FDA. Common examples of these ingredients include, but are not limited to: Tonka Beans (Coumarin), Amburana Wood (Coumarin), Motherwort, Sassafras (Safrole), Wormwood/Yarrow/Mugwort (Thujone), Cannabis. Very rare exceptions may occasionally be made and must get explicit competition approval to be eligible.
  • Many other ingredients are not considered safe for food and beverage contact by FDA. Brewers are responsible for ensuring their entries comply with all food safety requirements. When asked, brewers must be able to provide an approved Statement of Process from TTB showing the use of any ingredient is approved and possible lab analysis showing beer does not contain any trace of unauthorized compounds
  • Entries must comply with the Brewers Association Advertising & Marketing Code. Entries not in compliance will be disqualified immediately. The entry will not be judged, and no refund will be given.

Each brewery may enter up to 20 beers into the competition.

Les bières ne peuvent pas être inscrites deux fois au concours - chaque bière ne peut être inscrite et jugée que dans une seule catégorie du concours.

  • Une marque de bière ne peut pas être rebaptisée et inscrite dans plusieurs catégories.
  • Les marques de bière produites sur plusieurs sites ne peuvent pas être présentées par plus d'UNE brasserie. Cela inclut les marques produites à différents endroits au sein d'une chaîne de magasins ou de brasseries, par des brasseries ayant des noms apparentés ou des stratégies de marketing alignées, ou par plusieurs brasseries ayant collaboré à une marque.

Veuillez noter que notre objectif est d'accueillir le plus grand nombre de brasseries possible afin d'organiser un concours solide. Si la demande dépasse la capacité du concours, les brasseries ayant un grand nombre d'inscriptions pourront être invitées à réduire leur nombre d'inscriptions. Par ailleurs, s'il reste des places disponibles après la clôture des inscriptions le 7 décembre, nous pourrons autoriser les brasseries à inscrire davantage de bières, au-delà du nombre maximum d'inscriptions initialement prévu.


The cost to participate is $185 per entry.

REFUND/CANCELLATION POLICY: No refunds will be issued after the cancellation deadline for cancelled entries that are not sent in for competition. The World Beer Cup does not offer credits for future competitions.

Une fois que l'Association des brasseurs aura reçu les inscriptions dans son entrepôt (actuellement situé au 587 S. Taylor Avenue, Louisville, CO 80027), elle les transportera par remorque réfrigérée jusqu'à l'endroit où se déroulera le concours. En cas d'événement ou de circonstance imprévus nous empêchant d'organiser le concours (par exemple, un accident de camion), l'Association des brasseurs remboursera les frais d'inscription. Les remboursements sont limités aux frais d'inscription payés par la brasserie participante pour la compétition de la Coupe du monde de la bière 2024 (185 $US). Le remboursement des frais d'inscription constitue le seul et unique recours de la brasserie participante, et les frais d'expédition ou de transit connexes ne sont pas remboursables.